科研院 2024年06月
东华大学二级单位名称中英文对照表 序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 | 1 | 东华大学材料科学与工程学院 | College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University | 2 | 东华大学纺织学院 | College of Textiles, Donghua University | 3 | 东华大学化学与化工学院 | College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Donghua University | 4 | 东华大学生物与医学工程学院 | College of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Donghua University | 5 | 东华大学环境科学与工程学院 | College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University | 6 | 东华大学机械工程学院 | College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University | 7 | 东华大学计算机科学与技术学院 | School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University | 8 | 东华大学数学与统计学院 | School of Mathematics and Statistics, Donghua University | 9 | 东华大学物理学院 | College of Physics, Donghua University | 10 | 东华大学信息科学与技术学院 | College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University | 11 | 东华大学服装与艺术设计学院 | College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University | 12 | 东华大学旭日工商管理学院 | Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Donghua University | 13 | 东华大学人文学院 | College of Humanities, Donghua University | 14 | 东华大学外语学院 | College of Foreign Languages, Donghua University | 15 | 东华大学马克思主义学院 | School of Marxism, Donghua University | 16 | 东华大学上海国际时尚创意学院 | Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation,Donghua University | 17 | 东华大学体育部 | Department of Physical Education, Donghua University | 18 | 东华大学国际文化交流学院 | International Cultural Exchange School, Donghua University | 19 | 东华大学分析测试中心 | Research Center for Analysis and Measurement, Donghua University | 20 | 东华大学图书馆 | Donghua University Library | 21 | 纺织产业关键技术协同创新中心 | Co-Innovation Center for Textile Industry, Donghua University | 22 | 民用航空复合材料东华大学协同创新中心 | Center for Civil Aviation Composites, Donghua University | 23 | 东华大学先进低维材料中心 | Center for Advanced Low-dimension Materials, Donghua University | 24 | 东华大学纺织科技创新中心 | Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology, Donghua University | 25 | 东华大学上海国际时尚科创中心 | Shanghai International Fashion Innovation Center, Donghua University | 26 | 东华大学功能材料研究中心 | Institute of Functional Materials, Donghua University | 27 | 东华大学人工智能研究院 | Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Donghua University | 28 | 东华大学环境艺术研究院 | Environmental Art Desine Research Insitiue, Donghua University |
东华大学重点科研平台名称中英文对照表 序号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 | 1 | 纤维材料改性国家重点实验室 | State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University | 2 | 纺织面料技术教育部重点实验室 | Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 3 | 生态纺织教育部重点实验室 | Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 4 | 高性能纤维及制品教育部重点实验室 | Key Laboratory of High Performance Fibers & Products, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 5 | 现代服装设计与技术教育部重点实验室 | Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 6 | 国家染整工程技术研究中心 | National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University | 7 | 数字化纺织服装技术教育部工程研究中心 | Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile & Apparel Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 8 | 产业用纺织品教育部工程研究中心 | Engineering Research Center of Technical Textile, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 9 | 先进玻璃制造技术教育部工程研究中心 | Engineering Research Center of Advanced Glass Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 10 | 纺织装备教育部工程研究中心 | Engineering Research Center of Advanced Textile Machinery, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 11 | 纺织工业人工智能技术教育部工程研究中心 | Engineering Research Center of Artificial Intelligence for Textile Industry, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 12 | 磁约束核聚变教育部研究中心 | Member of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research Centre, Ministry of Education, Donghua University | 13 | 生态环境部纺织工业污染防治工程技术中心 | Textile Pollution Controlling Engineering Center of Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Donghua University | 14 | 上海市轻质结构复合材料重点实验室 | Shanghai Key Laboratory of Lightweight Composite, Donghua University | 15 | 上海市高性能纤维复合材料省部共建协同创新中心 | Shanghai High Performance Fibers and Composites Center(Province-Ministry Joint), Donghua University | 16 | 上海市现代纺织前沿科学研究基地 | Shanghai Frontiers Science Center of Advanced Textiles, Donghua University | 17 | 东华大学“城市创意经济与创新服务”研究基地 | Urban Economy and Innovation Service Research Base, Donghua University | 18 | 马克思主义理论与当代实践研究基地 | Marxist Theory and Contemporary Practice Research Base, Donghua University | 20 | 东华大学 “一带一路”研究中心 | Research Center for the Belt and Road Initiative at Donghua University | 21 | 上海市现代纺织前沿科学研究基地 | Shanghai Frontiers Science Center of Advanced Textiles, Donghua University |
东华大学二级单位论文发表中英文署名202406.xls 东华大学重点科研平台名称中英文对照表202406.docx