The Neyman--Pearson Lemma for convex risk measures
发布人:张莹  发布时间:2021-12-01   浏览次数:147

主题:The Neyman--Pearson Lemma for convex risk measures


时间:2021-12-02 14:00:00

地点:腾讯会议410 805 593


讲座题目:Neyman--Pearson Lemma for convex risk measures

网络地址:腾讯会议410 805 593


内容摘要:We study the Neyman-Pearsontheory for convex risk measures on L∞(μ). Without assuming that the level sets ofpenalty functions are weakly compact, a fixed representative pair (P∗,Q∗) is found by a newmethod different from the convex duality method. Then we show that the optimal testsare just the classical Neyman-Pearson tests between the representative probabilitiesP∗ and Q∗. Finally, we apply our results to a shortfall risk minimizingproblem in an incomplete financial market.

